Saturday, December 18, 2010

pillars of strategy science: Part One Henry Mintzberg

professor Henry Mintzberg is undeniably one of the most influential authors in management and strategy

he has written numerous insightful books about organization design, management and manger's tasks and also strategic management

he is perhaps one of the architects of modern business school systems and has always been recognized as a chief thinkers in contemporary management communities

his books include:

1973 The Nature of Managerial Work
1979 The Structuring of Organizations: A Synthesis of the Research
1983 Power In and Around Organizations
1983 Structure in fives: Designing Effective Organizations
1989 Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations
1991 The Strategy Process: (with Joe Lampel, Sumantra Ghoshal and J.B. Quinn)
1994 The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning: Reconceiving the Roles for Planning, Plans, Planners (Mintzberg 1994)
1998 Strategy Safari (with Bruce Ahlstrand and Joe Lampel)
2000 Managing Publicly (with Jacques Bourgault)
2000 Why I Hate Flying
2004 Managers not MBAs (Mintzberg 2004)
2005 Strategy Bites back
2007 Tracking Strategies: Towards a General Theory of Strategy Formation
2009 Managing

furthermore he has written key articles in which he descried variety of topics whcih then formed the platform of modern strategic management, these can include but not limited to the following concepts:

10 schools of strategy

5ps of strategy

deliberate and emergent strategies

strategy in adhcracy

design and planing in strategy process

i am a big fan of him and hope this brief overview help followers know him better and study his works

his website is also interesting and useful

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