Saturday, December 18, 2010

pillars of strategy science: Part One Henry Mintzberg

professor Henry Mintzberg is undeniably one of the most influential authors in management and strategy

he has written numerous insightful books about organization design, management and manger's tasks and also strategic management

he is perhaps one of the architects of modern business school systems and has always been recognized as a chief thinkers in contemporary management communities

his books include:

1973 The Nature of Managerial Work
1979 The Structuring of Organizations: A Synthesis of the Research
1983 Power In and Around Organizations
1983 Structure in fives: Designing Effective Organizations
1989 Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations
1991 The Strategy Process: (with Joe Lampel, Sumantra Ghoshal and J.B. Quinn)
1994 The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning: Reconceiving the Roles for Planning, Plans, Planners (Mintzberg 1994)
1998 Strategy Safari (with Bruce Ahlstrand and Joe Lampel)
2000 Managing Publicly (with Jacques Bourgault)
2000 Why I Hate Flying
2004 Managers not MBAs (Mintzberg 2004)
2005 Strategy Bites back
2007 Tracking Strategies: Towards a General Theory of Strategy Formation
2009 Managing

furthermore he has written key articles in which he descried variety of topics whcih then formed the platform of modern strategic management, these can include but not limited to the following concepts:

10 schools of strategy

5ps of strategy

deliberate and emergent strategies

strategy in adhcracy

design and planing in strategy process

i am a big fan of him and hope this brief overview help followers know him better and study his works

his website is also interesting and useful

Saturday, July 31, 2010

BP fiasco and leadership strategy lessons ( Part 1)

BP fiasco and leadership-strategy lessons

the 2010 British petroleum disaster perhaps is the biggest and most-talked-about catastrophic leadership cases in recent history of corporate world.

on the one hand it shows how a giant gets on its knees for a small operational mistake or mismanagement and on the other hand it underscores the importance of corporate citizenship, environmental protective initiatives and critical significance of global management.

BP has had a long history of global expansion and constant profitability but this crisis not only ruined this record but more importantly caused a shaky situation for all stockholders of the company, on one point even the board was confused about the future of BM as a whole globally expanded system.

strategically, the oil spill in gulf of Mexico has brought for BP billions of tangible and intangible problematic costs not only in terms of recovery strategies, operational and maintenance costs and contractual operations but in terms of intangibles including customer and investors support, reputation, industrial and governmental relations and global image .

having said that, BP's CEO must have improvised an intensive scenario planing for dealing with both short and long term consequences of this operational fiasco but he instead belittled the situation and focused on pursuing other strategic objectives .

he was accused of being unresponsive, selfish and paranoid while spending vacation time with family and enjoying life when hundreds of people were working hard to clean his mess

all of this led to a situation where no one could tolerate his state of crisis management and leadership . two points are here to be highlighted:

should have BP kept CEO in act for steering the vessel in this chaotic water while asking him change his style?

should have BP changed its leader on the spot in order to prevent defaming news from spreading all over the world?

however BP chose the third scenario which was waiting and then changing CEO under increasing tension

the point here is that, is this decision helpful nd will BP get back on his feet ?

i continue this discussion and underline main strategic implications of this act

Friday, March 26, 2010

innovation and invention

there has long been a question yet to be truly answered;

how different is innovation from invention?

have a glance at the following stories:

  1. i have invented a new engine which consumes 10 liters of oil and produces 2 horse power
  2. i have invented a new engine which consumes 0.2 liter of oil and produces 100 horse power

both are inventions and i am an inventor but in which case am i an innovator?

yes innovation must creates value and eliminates existing waste or simply it must render positive change in the existing status of something

Thursday, March 25, 2010

strategy and innovation

strategy is all about competitive supremacy
innovation is all about value novelty

thus strategy and innovation is all about rendering novel value to gain supremacy in a competitive environment. with this introduction i start blogging and developing the stream of information in this blog.

i am going to update my blog every two weeks or once a month on the regular basis of reading and reviewing top journal article and global leading research works in this filed
